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Text Processing an Order or Guide

Development from justification memorandum through review and publication

Justification Memorandum

(Initial step towards developing an unclassified Order or Guide)

Office of Primary Interest (OPI

Creates a justification memorandum for non-NNSA element or justification memorandum for an NNSA element to develop or revise an Order or Guide.

Obtains signature of Secretarial Officer (SO) or designee on justification memorandum.

Submits the justification memorandum to the Office of Management (MA-1) through the Directives Program, Office of Management (MA-1.2) in Room 1G-051. 

Participates in the Directives Review Board (DRB) meeting to provide greater details regarding the need for the subject Order or Guide when invited.

DRB Liaison

Located within MA-1.2, receives the justification memorandum for processing.

Ensures that the justification memorandum is in compliance with Directives Program criteria.

Obtains the signature of the Director, Office of Information Resources, on the justification memorandum before dissemination to the DRB.

Schedules justification memoranda for discussion at bi-weekly DRB meetings,

Schedules and notifies the OPI to attend a DRB meeting when appropriate.

MA-1 Chairs the DRB.

Reviews the justification memorandum.

Convenes to discuss their review and any issues related to the proposed Order or Guide.

Reaches consensus on whether to recommend to MA-1 that the Order or Guide be developed or revised.

Determines when an Order has significant budgetary or other resource impact on the Department, and informs OPI at DRB meeting.

Participates in the impasse process if consensus is not reached.  (See IMPASSE PROCESS below.)


Concurs on the justification memorandum.

Facilitates the impasse process when appropriate.

DRB Liaison

Notifies the MA-1.2 analyst when MA-1 concurs on the justification memorandum.

Schedules and notifies the OPI to attend a DRB meeting in case of impasse.

MA-1.2 Analyst

Contacts the OPI to initiate development of the Order or Guide and being MA-1.2 Analyst assigned to  work with them.

Contacts the OPI to initiate development of an Order or Guide

Provides brief overview of the Directives Program.

Provides guidance to the OPI in the development or revision of the Order or Guide.

Ensures directive number is assigned to Order or Guide.

Initial Draft


NOTE: If the proposed Order has significant budgetary or other resource impact on the Department, the OPI develops and submits a detailed financial impact analysis to the DRB and the Chief Financial Officer before final concurrence and approval of the Order.

Uses the directives templates for the development or revision of the Order or Guide.

Engages the MA-1.2 Analyst, stakeholders, subject matter experts, and appropriate program counsel in directive development. 

Ensures that the organization is in agreement with the proposed draft Order or Guide, and that no internal conflicts exist.

Verifies whether the Order or Guide requires additional documentation. If required, develops a crosswalk of requirements tracking. The requirements tracking and basis documentation is generally expected to be a crosswalk combined with an explanation for each requirement but may simply be a redlined/strikeout of the revised Order or Guide (e.g., where there are only a few changes to be made). 

Emails a Microsoft Word file of the draft Order or Guide (in redlined/strikeout form if additional documentation required) to the MA-1.2 Analyst. 

MA-1.2 Analyst

Ensures that the draft Order or Guide is in compliance with Directives Program and establishes a coordination schedule.

Obtains clearance from the OPI on MA-1.2 Analyst’s changes to the Order or Guide before submitting it for coordination on RevCom.

Ensures that the Order or Guide is posted on RevCom, and provides the OPI a copy of the file that was posted.

Ensures that the OPI receives a user ID and password to access RevCom.

Coordination: Review and Comment

(Begins when the draft Order or Guide is posted in RevCom)

Directives Point of Contact (DPC)

Logs into RevCom after being alerted via email that the directive is online. Clicks on the subject Order or Guide on the document list.  Goes to the DOCUMENT button at the top of the page and selects REFERENCES to review the DPC memo for any special instructions.

Sets Organization Deadlines.

Goes to the VERSION button and selects SET DUE DATES. Sets separate due dates for offices within the organization as appropriate.

NOTE: Extensions to the commenting period are discouraged, and will be granted only with the permission of the OPI.

Designates delegates and subject matter experts.

Goes to the VERSION button and selects ASSIGN USERS. Selects the appropriate functional delegates and subject matter experts (SMEs) to review the Order or Guide. Selects ASSIGN USERS and NOTIFY buttons to inform delegates and SMEs via email to review and enter comments in RevCom.      


Logs into RevCom, clicks on the subject Order or Guide on the document list.

Reviews the Order or Guide for organizational impact.

Provides either “major” or “suggested” comments.


Consolidates comments. Gets approval of the Secretarial Officer (SO) or designee for comments. Inserts the name of the SO or designee into the “Approving Official” box and his/her internet address in the “Copy to” box, when submitting the consolidated comments. The SO or designee and the OPI receive e-mail notifications that the comments have been submitted.   

Emails requests for extensions to the OPI with a courtesy copy to the MA-1.2 analyst when appropriate. 

Selects the “No Comment” button, if there are no comments.      

OPI Grants DPCs extensions for review and comment discretionally, and notifies the MA-1.2 analyst of the decision via email.

Coordination: Comment Resolution


Logs into RevCom and reviews comment report under the Reports button for a consolidated list of comments. 

Responds to each Major comment (response to Suggested comments is optional). Chooses one of the following: ACCEPT, ACCEPT WITH MODIFICATION, or REJECT for each comment.

If ACCEPT is selected, uses the file posted from the MA-1.2 analyst to revise the draft  to reflect the comment.

If ACCEPT WITH MODIFICATION is selected, revises the draft to reflect the accepted portion of the comment and provides a rationale for not accepting all of the comment.

If REJECT is selected, provides a rationale.

Establishes a line of communication with the commenters. As changes are made to the draft, uses the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word to produce a redlined/strikeout.

Emails any request for extension on submitting responses and redlined/strikeout to the MA-1.2 Analyst. One extension may be granted by the MA-1.2analyst. Thereafter, the need for additional extensions must be justified to the DRB.

Obtains the SO’s or designee’s approval of comment resolution package and redlined/strikeout.

Submits the redlined/strikeout to the MA-1.2analyst via email.

MA-1.2 Analyst

Approves reasonable extensions for the OPI.

Reviews the redlined/strikeout for compliance.

Reaches agreement with the OPI on the MA-1.2 Analyst’s changes to the Order or Guide.

Authorizes OPI to select the submit button in RevCom for posting comment resolution package.

OPI Selects the “Submit” button to provide the comment resolution package in RevCom when authorized by MA-1.2 Analyst.
MA-1.2 Analyst Ensures posting of the redlined/strikeout on RevCom for Informational Purposes Only.

Coordination: For Informational Purposes Only


Reviews the redlined/strikeout and the OPI's comment resolution.

Sends any questions about the draft to the DRB Representative.

MA-1.2 Analyst

Develops a metrics report for MA-1.

Ensures proper Order or Guide formatting.

Performs a final review.

Forwards the approval package to DRB Liaison.

DRB Liaison

Disseminates the approval package to DRB.

Schedules and notifies the OPI to meet with the DRB to provide further information on the directive as appropriate.

Final Review and Approval


Performs final review.

Convenes to discuss the review and any issue related to the proposed draft Order or Guide.

Recommends to MA-1 whether to sign the approval memorandum for draft Order.

Recommends to MA-1 to approve Guide.

Participates in the impasse process if consensus is not reached.  (See IMPASSE PROCESS below.)


Approves Guides.

Signs approval memorandum for Orders.

Forwards the approval package for an Order to the Deputy Secretary for approval.

Deputy Secretary Approves Orders.
OPI Provides a crosswalk of requirements tracking, if required, to the MA-1.2 Analyst with 60 days after approval of the Order and Guide.


(Occurs when DRB does not reach a consensus or OPI cannot resolve nonconcurrence)

DRB Liaison Notifies the OPI and DRB of an impasse and adds it to the agenda of the bi-weekly DRB meeting.

Facilitates the resolution of an impasse with the OPI and DRB.

Signs the approval memorandum for an Order when impasse is resolved and forwards it to Deputy Secretary.

Approves a Guide when impasse is resolved.

Advises contending DRB member and OPI to a develop summary paper when an impasse not resolved.

OPI & DRB Member Develop and submit a summary paper to the DRB Liaison in Rm. 1G-051

Includes summary papers in the approval package.

Forwards the approval package to Secretary or Deputy Secretary to render a decision.

Secretary or Deputy Secretary

Renders a decision on impasse.

Approves the Order.


MA-1.2 Analyst

Ensures final formatting and publishes the Order or Guide in the current section of the Directives Portal.

Ensures that a crosswalk of requirements is posted with the approved Order or Guide on the Directives Portal.

Document Actions