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Text Processing a Policy or Notice

Development from justification memorandum through review to publication

Justification Memorandum

(Initial step towards developing a Policy or Notice)

Office of Primary Interest (OPI)

Creates a justification memorandum for a non-NNSA element or a justification memorandum for NNSA element to develop a Policy or Notice.

Obtains the signature of the Secretarial Officer (SO) or designee on justification memorandum.

Submits the justification memorandum to the Office of Management (MA-1) through the Directives Program, Office of Management (MA-1.2) in room 1G-051.

Participates in the Directives Review Board (DRB) meeting when invited to provide greater details regarding the need for the subject Policy or Notice.

DRB Liaison

Located within MA-1.2, receives the justification memorandum for processing.

Ensures that the justification memorandum is in compliance with Directives Program criteria.

Obtains the signature of the Director, Office of Information Resources, on the justification memorandum before dissemination to the DRB.

Schedules the justification memorandum for discussion a the bi-weekly DRB meeting.

Schedules and notifies the OPI to attend DRB meeting when appropriate.

MA-1 Chairs the DRB.

Reviews the justification memorandum.

Convenes to discuss the review and issues related to the proposed Policy or Notice.

Reaches consensus on whether to recommend to MA-1 that the Policy or Notice be developed.

Participates in the impasse process if consensus is not reached. (See IMPASSE PROCESS below.)


Concurs on the justification memorandum.

Facilitates the impasse process when appropriate.

DRB Liaison

Notifies the MA-1.2 Analyst when MA-1 concurs on the justification memorandum.

Schedules and notifies the OPI to attend a DRB meeting in case of impasse.

MA-1.2 Analyst

Contacts the OPI to initiate development of a Policy or Notice, and being MA-1.2 Analyst assigned to work with them.

Provides brief overview of the Directives Program.

Provides guidance to the OPI in the development or revision of a Policy or Notice.

Initial Draft


Uses the directive templates for development of the Policy or Notice.

Engages the MA-1.2 Analyst, stakeholders, subject matter experts, and appropriate program counsel in its development.

Ensures that the organization is in agreement with proposed draft Policy or Notice and that no internal conflicts exist.

Emails a Microsoft Word file of the draft Policy or Notice to the MA-1.2 Analyst.

MA-1.2 Analyst

Ensures that the draft Policy or Notice is in compliance with Directives Program and that editorial review is performed and establishes a coordination schedule.

Obtains clearance from the OPI on recommended changes to the Policy or Notice before coordination and sends a copy to the DRB Liaison

Coordination: Review and Comment

(Begins when DRB Liaison disseminates the draft Policy or Notice)

DRB Liaison

Facilitates the Policy or Notice coordination process.

Disseminates the Policy or Notice to the DRB.


Solicits, reconciles, consolidates, and approves comments.

Submits comments the DRB Liaison.

DRB Liaison

Consolidates and emails DRB comments to the OPI.

Establishes a due date for OPI to provide a redlined/strikeout of the Policy or Notice.

Coordination: Redline/Strikeout

(Begins upon receipt of DRB comments from DRB Liaison)


Incorporates DRB comments into the Microsoft Word file of the draft to produce a redlined/strikeout file of the changes using the Track Changes feature.

Emails redlined/strikeout file to the DRB Liaison by due date.

DRB Liaison Disseminates the redlined/strikeout file to DRB.

Coordination: Approval


Performs final review.

Convenes to discuss the review and any issues related to the proposed draft Policy or Notice.

Reaches consensus on the redlined/strikeout file.

Participates in the impasse process if consensus is not reached. (See IMPASSE PROCESS below.)

DRB Liaison Informs the OPI and MA-1.2 Analyst when MA-1 concurs in the approval of the Policy or Notice.
OPI After being notified that MA-1 concurs in the approval of the Policy or Notice, submits the approval package (final clean draft Policy or Notice, and approval memo signed by the SO, and a synopsis) to the MA-1.2 Analyst in room 1G-051 and via email.
MA-1.2 Analyst

Develops metrics report for MA-1.

Ensures proper directive formatting.

Performs final review.

Forwards approval package to MA-1.


Signs the approval memorandum.

Forwards the approval package to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary for approval.

Secretary or Deputy Secretary Approves the Policy of Notice.

Impasse Process

DRB Liaison Notifies MA-1.2 Analyst, OPI and DRB of an impasse and adds it to the agency of bi-weekly DRB meeting.

Facilitates resolution of the impasse with the OPI and DRB.

Signs approval memorandum for Policy or Notice when the impasse is resolved and forwards it to the Deputy Secretary.

Advises contending DRB member and OPI to develop a summary paper when a impasse is not resolved.

OPI & DRB Member Develops and submits a summary paper to DRB Liaison.

Includes summary papers in the approval package.

Forwards the approval package to Secretary or Deputy Secretary to render decision.

Secretary or Deputy Secretary

Renders a decision on an impasse.

Approves the Policy or Notice.


MA-1.2 Analyst Ensures final formatting and publishes the Policy or Notice in the current section of the Directives Portal.

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