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Cancellation Process

3.0 Cancellation

An Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) considering the cancelation of a directive will need to consult with the Directives Program to get an understanding of the process and receive the appropriate templates.

After the initial meeting, the OPR will produce a Directives Review Board (DRB) Request memo, signed by the OPR’s head of office and the OPR’s Head of Departmental Element (HED) on the throughline. The memo must provide the rationale for the cancelation.

Once the signed memo is provided to the Directives Program, the memo will be sent to the DRB for their review. This is explained in detail in the DRB Request Memo Review (sub-process 3.2)

If the DRB provides major concerns with the proposed cancelation, the DRB Request memo will be sent back to the OPR to reevaluate and redraft the memo to address the concerns.

If the DRB approves the action with little or no changes, the Directives Program will inform the OPR and begin the concurrence review (sub-process 3.3).

If an office non-concurs, the OPR is expected to work with the objecting organization to reach a resolution. If a resolution cannot be determined, the effort will move into Impasse (sub-process 3.4).

Once offices concur on the cancelation, the OPR will develop the approval memo. The approval memo must explain the reasoning behind the cancelation and provide any necessary background.

The Directives program will collect all required documents from the OPR, and compile and submit the approval package for final review and approval (sub-process 3.5). 

3.1 Cancellation Process Flowchart

Cancellation Process Flowchart


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