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Findings are deficiencies that warrant a high level of attention on the part of management. If left uncorrected, findings could adversely affect the DOE mission, the environment, worker safety or health, the public or national security. Findings define the specific nature of the deficiency, whether it is localized or indicative of a systemic problem, and identify which organization is responsible for corrective actions.

Findings are items identified in appraisal reports that warrant a high level of attention on the part of management and aspects of a program that do not meet the intent of DOE policies and requirements. If left uncorrected, findings could adversely affect the DOE mission, the environment, worker safety or health, the public or national security. Findings define the specific nature of the deficiency, whether it is localized or indicative of a systemic problem, and identify which organization is responsible for corrective actions.

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  • Administration
  • Environment
  • Information and Analysis
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Worker Protection

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