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Radiation-Generating Device (RGD) Installation

The sum of the radiation source (e.g., sealed radioactive material or x-ray tube), the associated equipment and component items, and the space in which they are operated.

Five types of installations are defined as follows:

(1) Shielded installations are those designed to use the room-within-a-room concept to limit access to the RGD beam and to place more emphasis on distance as opposed to shielding for radiation protection and include shielded, exempt shielded, and cabinet x-ray installations;

(2) Unattended installations are those designed for a specific purpose and that do not require personnel in attendance for operation and include unattended gauge and other unattended installations;

(3) Open installations are those designed to accommodate a specimen that is so large as to make an exempt shielded installation impractical;

(4) X-ray diffraction & fluorescence analysis equipment, including both open and closed beam installations; and

(5) Incidental, including devices that emit low levels of ionizing radiation as a byproduct of their normal function, such as electron beam welders, electronic microscopes, and pulse generators.

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  • Safety
  • Worker Protection

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