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Information Technology

Any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information by an Executive agency. For purposes of the preceding sentence, equipment is used by an Executive agency whether the equipment is used directly or by a contractor under a contract with the Executive agency that requires the use of such equipment or requires the use to a significant extent of such equipment in the performance of a service or the furnishing of a product. Information technology includes computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware, and similar procedures, services, and resources.

Equipment or interconnected systems or subsystems of equipment used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information, including the Internet.

Information technology, as defined by the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, sections 5002, 5141, and 5142, means any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information. For purposes of this definition, equipment is “used” by an Agency whether the Agency uses the equipment directly or it is used by a contractor under a contract with the Agency that (1) requires the use of such equipment or (2) requires the use, to a significant extent, of such equipment in the performance of a service or the furnishing of a product. Information technology includes computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware, and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources. It does not include any equipment that is acquired by a Federal contractor incidental to a Federal contract. Information technology is any proposed acquisition of information technology or information technology-related resources to support a defined business need.

Any equipment, or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information. Information technology includes computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware, and similar procedures, services, and resources (refer to DOE O 200.1A, Information Technology Management, current version).

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  • Administration
  • Finance
  • Information and Analysis
  • Information Technology

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