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Hazard Categories

The consequences of unmitigated releases of radioactive and/or hazardous material are evaluated as required by 10 CFR 830 and classified by the following hazard categories:

a. Category 1. The hazard analysis shows the potential for significant offsite consequences.

b. Category 2. The hazard analysis shows the potential for significant onsite consequences.

c. Category 3. The hazard analysis shows the potential for only significant localized consequences.

The consequences of unmitigated releases of radioactive and/or hazardous material are evaluated as required by DOE-STD-1027-92 and classified by the following hazard categories. CATEGORY 1. The hazard analysis shows the potential for significant offsite consequences. CATEGORY 2. The hazard analysis shows the potential for significant onsite consequences. CATEGORY 3. The hazard analysis shows the potential for only significant localized consequences.

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