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Contractor Personnel

This term, for purposes of this Order, means:

  • any Contractor Employee;
  • any research and development (R&D) or Demonstration subcontractor employee, joint appointee from another institution, and any other individual performing R&D work, whether compensated or uncompensated, within the scope of the prime DOE contract either on-site at the DOE/NNSA site/facility or in DOE/NNSA/contractor leased space; and
  • any individual performing R&D work, whether compensated or uncompensated, within the scope of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, Strategic Partnership Project, or Agreement for Commercializing Technology, either on-site at the DOE/NNSA site/facility or in DOE/NNSA/contractor leased space.
  • The following are not included in this definition, consistent with paragraph 3.c.(1):
    1. Users performing work under a DOE User Facility Agreement; and
    2. Individuals under paragraphs 4.b. and 4.c. of this Attachment, above, considered Contractor Personnel solely because they perform activities at a DOE/NNSA site or DOE/NNSA/contractor leased space:

(a) specifically implementing a DOE program-sponsored international collaboration project; and

(b) within the scope of a DOE-level or U.S. Government-level bilateral or multilateral international agreement.

  • Administration

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