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Draft - DOE G 424.1-1C, Implementation Guide for Use in Addressing Unreviewed Safety Question Requirements

This draft change assumes that the changes to 10 CFR 830 that have been proposed in the August 8, 2018 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) will be incorporated in 10 CFR 830. Finalization of this Guide change will proceed concurrently with, and slightly behind, the finalization of the Rule Change. The Guide revision will be issued after the Rule change and will be fully consistent with the approved 10 CFR 830. The purpose of this concurrent development is two-fold: (1) the Guide includes a number of proposed enhancements based on experience and lessons learned, beyond those identified in the NOPR, and (2) the intent is to have this Guide revision available for use shortly after issuance of the revised Rule.

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