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001.00A, Delegation Order No. 00-001.00A to the Deputy Secretary

00-001_00A.pdf -- PDF Document, 61 KB

ID: 001.00A
Type: Delegation
Delegant: Spencer Abraham, Secretary of Energy
Delegate: Deputy Secretary of Energy
Status: Rescinded
Effective Date: Sep 17, 2002
Re-delegation Allowed: Yes
Re-delegation Limitations: 3.1 In exercising the authority delegated in this Order, a delegate shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the Department of Energy and the policies and procedures prescribed by the Secretary. 3.2 Nothing in this Order precludes the Secretary from exercising any of the authority delegated by this Order. 3.3 Any amendments to this Order shall be in consultation with the Department of Energy General Counsel.
There are no re-delegations associated with this document.

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