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CM, Certification for DOE O 452.7

DOE O 452.7, Protection of Use Control Vulnerabilities and Designs, dated 5-4-2010, has been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget and deemed to be in compliance with related Departmental Directives, Secretarial Delegations, organizational structure, budget guidelines, regulations, standards, OMB guidance, relevant memoranda of understanding and public laws. In addition, this directive is not found to cause undue burden (i.e., significant cost impacts, overly prescriptive, redundancy, or excessive reporting requirements) on Departmental elements and contractors.

CM-o452.7-Approved-1-15-15.pdf -- PDF Document, 280 KB

Writer: emishoe
    ID: CM
    Type: Certification Memo
    OPI: MA - Office of Management
    Status: Archive
    Approved Date: Jan 15, 2015
    CRD: No
    Invoking Directive: No

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